“Art is the stored honey of the human soul..”
Color and light draw you into a magical world of dreamy landscapes, bright sunsets, little Italian towns, islands of the Pacific Northwest, beaches, lovers, musicians. I feel life speeds by so fast and these snapshots of amazing moments in life we take for granted…and I want to capture that feeling and energy and pass it along to others through my paintings. My hope is that my bright colors, positive reflections, and soulful moments put one’s mind at peace. Growing up in Washington as a child I would draw for hours getting lost in the forest of my imagination. Then living in upstate NY, I drew my way through those cold dark winter days. Soon after high school I moved to Virginia where I got a BFA in painting/design at ODU. I have lived in many places & have shown in many galleries all over the United States, and I’ve chosen to slow down and dig deeper roots here on Orcas Island where I live with my husband and two biggest inspirations, Milo and Ayla.